
SPACE loves to facilitate sharings for both our creative and institutional residencies. Please let us know in your interest form if you would like a facilitated sharing during your residency.

Our sharings are generally super informal. We encourage residents use the allotted sharing time in a way that is most useful to you. Some residents share snippets of their writing, music, or art; some reflect on their ongoing process; some share action plans or lesson plans; and some share discoveries they made during their time on the farm.

This sharing is entirely informal and self-determined—a chance for you to show your cohort what you’ve been working on or to debrief as a team.


On the final day of your residency, lunch will be served after the resident sharing, and all residents should plan to depart no later than 3:00 PM.

If you drove yourself, please plan on leaving no later than 3:00 PM. If you traveled via Metro North, a SPACE team member will drive you to the Brewster train station after lunch for the 3:11 PM train to NYC, which gets you to Grand Central Station around 4:30 PM.