Step Two: Personal Bio & project Description
After step one, applicants selected to continue in the process will be sent an invitation to submit more information about themselves and how they propose to spend their time at SPACE. This will include a personal bio describing their journey in the field, a brief project description for what they would like to work on during their residency, a brief description about their interest in the Come to the Table initiative, and an open invitation to offer additional information they think is important for the panel to know.
Applications will be reviewed and scored by an internal panel of SPACE team members who work most closely with the residencies. Applications are randomized and will be scored by two members of the panel. Application materials will be scored on uniqueness of projects, the need for the work to occur at SPACE, and contribution to the goals of the Come to the Table initiative. After this review, 45-50 applications will be selected for Step three.
Materials for Step Two will be due January 23.
Step Two FAQs
Will I know if I haven’t been selected?
Yes, SPACE will send notification to all first step applicants regarding the results of their application.
What is the length of the second step materials?
Please keep your personal biography, project description, and any additional information limited to one page each (single spaced) or a total of five-seven minutes recorded audio or video.
What should the personal biography be about?
The personal biography should give us an insight into your journey. While you certainly can include moments that you are proud of, this is less of a resume and more of a dive into what motivates and inspires you to work in this field, how your unique set of experiences and circumstances have shaped your perspective; and your aspirations for your life in the theatre.
What types of projects are eligible?
SPACE provides time and space to dig into existing projects, dream of new ideas, interrogate practice and process, and revisit work that you haven’t been able to fully explore.
For artists, this may look like a play, a design, a research project, or an opportunity to revise your process, for example.
For administrators and educators, our goal is to provide time and space to consider the big questions that the daily pressures of your job prevent you from exploring. We are not looking for projects in service to your organization or institution (marketing plans, curriculum development, development strategy, etc.), but rather, projects that support critical thinking around the structural challenges facing the industry.
SPACE is interested in process and progress over product. Alongside projects that are concrete (a play, a white paper, research work, etc) you are welcome to submit program ideas that are abstract or open-ended.
How should these be submitted?
Written works should be submitted in PDF form. Even if your submission is a presentation (slideshow, etc), please save it in a PDF format. It is the best way to keep the integrity of the design. If it is recorded (audio only) please submit it as a MP3 or WAV file. Both of these formats can be uploaded on the application form. If you would like to submit a video recording, there will be a space to leave a Youtube or Vimeo link.